Saturday, October 31, 2009
I am only posting because i haven't posted for a very long time. I have nothing happy to share about. I thought i should be happy that the stressful week has finally come to an end. But i was wrong. Awfully wrong. Little did i know that the stressful week's end is only the beginning of a thousand miles of hard work and stress. It was only the tip of the iceberg. *laugh faintly* I really have no more energy left. So I am going to end off...
That's about all I can say.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Thursday, October 29, 2009
I got a HIGH C!!!!!!!!!!! Beware!!!!!!
Cause I

From the girl who is grinning right now , at this very moment
DISC. :DGot a High S.
My true self.
My true personality.
How about yours?
Hope you all find yours soon!
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
i can't stand it any longer. Not anymore.
I can't believe it. I actually thought about this: I'd rather take the EOYs now than all my cca stuff. They freak me out like never before. But I know deep inside, that I still love my cca. Nevertheless, that is no longer giving me energy to propel myself forward. Not enough energy. And i dun know how im going to find them. I... just feel so so tired...and stressed. You might not believe it either, that this is way much stressful than EOYs.
This week is so filled up, with activities. Stressful activities I MEAN IT! KOTO,teaching yall first aid, NCOC (and the exams) and the one that bothers me the most (well at least a little more than the others since all others are also very important) COMP TRIAL!!!!!!!!!! can you believe it?? All in the next few days... all crammed up in those horrible days.
It's hard to imagine what fri's cca would be like...*shudders* I dun want to think. I really feel like crying my heart out now. But there are no tears. maybe i could just bear it thru, and be over with the darkest storms. I dun know. Im confused and very very tired and freaking nervous.
It's all crammed. all those stressful activities over such a short piece of time.
I guess i'll just have to believe it and face it. think of ways to deal with it, all of it. without having to break down in between...
i'll not sign off with my "happy" names. but just with a simply blue,
Chunmin T.T
To all who are constantly worrying:
Ask yourself this question:"Will this matter a year from now?"
Richard Carlson, writing in Don't Sweat the Small Stuff
Love, Emily.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
I am wondering why.
Really. Why?
Why is there so many things to worry about?
I naively thought that nothing could bother me anymore after what seemed to be torture, EOYs. For once, i really thought I would never face anything worse than that.
But reality proved me wrong. VERY wrong indeed.
You would never understand how stressful it is (or rather 'they are')
But! (turning point, note this for lit. response ;D)
I will persevere on.
Because i know that you will always be there for me.
Always supporting me when i fall and comforting me whenever I felt utterly miserable.
Always lending me a ear to pour all my misery to.
Always there to cheer me up when I really felt like giving everything up.
There are a lot of things i would like to say. Each as grateful as the other.
But you know how limited my vocabulary is, there is no good vocab i could use for my gratitude.
So, Im just going to end off, with a simple but strong
you knoe who i am dontcha~
Okay, here's the thing. I have removed 21 guns by Green Day to PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME by PINK. Play it!!!!
woo hoo!!!! I HEART that song, not sure about you guys. Anway, hope you like it!!! (I mean hope you luv it) *laughs*
No band tomorrow. Phew, gd thing zoac' I can go home early~~~~~`` ;D
I found out the meanings of our names too, cause I was looking for good stuff to post online :D
Here GOES:
Felicia: It is a Latin Name, meaning happy, lucky and fortunate.
Joanne: It is a Hebrew Name, meaning God is Gracious.
Emily: It is a Latin Name, meaning rivial, laborious and eager.
*raises eyebrows* Interesting eh? ;)
That's all for now. Look out for further posts from (da da da dum* dramaatic effecct) EMILY!
Thank you Guys
Hi.Just want to say a big thank you to all of you.
Emily and Chun min for staying by my side
All these while.
Thank you so much.
I can't express my gratitude through a million words.
I can't express how i feel through a million actions.
But, I just want to say two words
Thank you
Monday, October 26, 2009
2nd post today.
As i have promised,
the video of my brother playing silence by Jay :)
Don't admire him too much
He will get complacent.
Please give a round of applause after watching the video!
Show him your support,
Minna San =)
I apologise.
He's cool while he plays.
But when comes to singing..
Surprisingly, my dad says he has a good voice.
Is that for real?
I don't know.
Give comments.
Thanks for ur support once again.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
i've posted less than yall. >< but i shall post now. (about what remains to be seen)
this is quoted from some unknown author...
A simple friend has never seen you cry.
A real friend has shoulders soggy from your tears.
A simple friend hates it when you call after he has gone to bed.
A real friend asks you why you had taken so long.
A simple friend seeks to talk to you about your problems.
A real friend seeks to help you with your problems.
A simple friend expects you to always be there for them.
A real friend is always there for you!
These are some lines in it. Nice right? :DD
Hope you enjoyed it, my REAL friends!
Robbie Williams
Please listen to this song by Robbie Williams- My Way. He is now officially one of my favourite singers ever.*** (but first scroll down, and stop the song, 21 guns by Green day from playing. otherwise, you'll hear two songs playing together)
Love, Emily
Japanese Songs
Hi guys.Shall upload two Japanese video. This song is uber nice. =) Enjoy
1st one is hana tegami - Nadeshiko/Nagihiko Fujisaki
2nd one is Heartful song - Hoshina Utau (Nana Mizuki)
Hope you had enjoyed it!
Looking forward to see u guys.
Gd luck in getting back your papers!
Shall upload another video of my brother playing silence by Jay Chou
In my next post.
So follow on..
Saturday, October 24, 2009

this is posted after practising my piano Grade 6 exam song. .... ...... I'm thinking..................................................................................thinking....what to type but I dunno... WHAT SHOULD I WRITE ABOUT NOW..... NEVERMIND!!!!.........
Oh I know! You know, just this weekend, my bro, father and me were watching this really, really, really cool movie that my father bought.
It's called THE TRIANGLE.
You guys must seriously watch it. It's about The Bermuda Triangle (think you've heard if it) and a team of four works on a mission to try and find an answer to all the missing ships and planes that passes over it. And one of them is an ocean engineer who is named Emily too!!!! That's so cool!!! It's like I'm in the movie :D! There's also a scientist, a journalist and psychic. And that if they manage to find the anwer, EACH of them gets $5 MILLION DOLLARS from a billionare who hired them.
And then, they talk about wormholes, people being transported to another "world" when they pass over the bermuda triangle. And it's really eye-opening with all the bizarre occurences surrounding them caused by the triangle , which becomes gradually nightmarish.
The movie is really engaging and there a lot twists here and that. All the better. I have always thought Science Fiction movies as really cool and yes, THE TRIANGLE rox.
Wow, I have written so much over a movie. *raises eyebrows*
Since that it so, this post will stop here.
Love, Emily
2nd Post
Should i post?Or not?
If yes,
post about what?
Hi guys.
Joanne here again.
Today, practically wasted whole day.
Feeling so downright guilty but yet
exams r already over
so why feel guilty?
I don't know.
Short post for today.
C ya soon.
It looks like everyone is for the idea of the besties blog! Great! and don't let it die ok?? and i like emily's coulourful post~ Emily is super creative. how was post eoy days for you guys? Fun?? haha. well, i think i had a lot of fun myself.
OK. Now for some dedications.. *clear throat*
To Joanne:
Please don't keep everything a secret!! It's not good. remember the LA eoy passage? you should tell your friends about your secrets. haha. im just joking. it's ok, secrets are not meant to told. i understand. :D and i hope you have enjoyed your camp thouroughly! :DD thanks for helping me out during the eoy period. You were an excellent teacher and without your sms-es of teaching i wouldn't have done it. So thanks a million really. :DD haha :D:D your diatomic molecules of smiley elements. So cute.
To Emily:
I love your colourful posts. You really put a lot of effort to change the colours (to make our blog lively). thanks a million em! Oh and thanks for the well wishes for my next year juniors. I have a really bad feeling about it and im indeed very nervous. You may not understand though but yes, it's not as easy as it seems. anyway, don't groan about your cca. Every cca has their beauty in it. Learn your stuff well and practice! Practice makes perfect. Every cca has their usefulness in it (including U.G.s)!! So ENJOY your cca!! find your passion for concert band and you'll love it!
well, time to end of now!! see ya soon in school. and by the way, something is going to happen on the 29th oct.. but im keeping it a secret. (like Joanne) :DDD but it's going to be something that you are looking forward to.. and something that i dread. ok, i'll tell yall in school. :DD
Friday, October 23, 2009
On a Saturday morning

For Joanne: Even your psl camp is a secret... ... Sharing secrets with your friends is a commandent of your friendship ....you know... (Tuesday got concert band 2)
Anway, back to the topic.
This is for everyone:

If Singapore had Halloween, gosh, that would be real' cool.
And I am actually kinda like blogging now. it's fun reading the posts by chun min and jia hui plus posting~
Ah.... time passes by so quickly. I'm already 13. And Chun Min don't worry about not teaching your juniors well next year, I know you will DEFINITELY do a good job!! Seriously. ;D
We must use time as a tool, not as a crutch.
John F. Kennedy (1917 - 1963)
So, with that quote , I am saying

for now!!!!!!
P.S. Next TIME YOU see a post with plenty of colours, it's posted by me.
A Novice
Hi there.Gosh.. first time posting. Kind of excited, ya.
Yeah. Just came back from psl camp.
Fun but tiring... Next year, will be taking 113 for Sec 1 orientation.
Wonder if it would turn out fine with my team.
Okay, let's not crap about this.. haha
I'm sure u all are anticipating about what I did during the camp right?
Shan't tell u. It's for me to know, and u to find out.
Here goes My Rep again:
Can assured u all, minna- san, It's really really nice.
If you got a chance,
Watch it
If not,
You will regret it.
All right that's all for now.
By the way, this is Joanne here.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
At home early in the morning
jollyyy here..xD hehs. posted the second time alr hor.. yall two must post kae..:DD haha. i love playing the piano lah. so nice.:DD yay!! EOYs are over!! Woah, last week still having LA paper. super freaked out luh.. mugging is so ._. dun like it at all luh can? like it makes you all stressed up and nervous..
anw, thanks for letting us go to your house emily. it was super fun. :DD loved it a lot. and im definitely going for the second time. xD hope ya dun mind..:DD like suddenly dunno what to do..
PLAY PIANO..xD byeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!
one of the besties:DD
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
besties here. having fun at emily's house! her house super big lahh...:DD very fun got a lot of things to do. very fun. yay we created besties bloggiee:DD fun. (: and "stress" is fun. heh. although im slow at it. >< haha. em and jojo are super fast. and the most important thing is that EOYs are over!! yay!! can enjoy lerh. :DD