Today's the big day for all Primary sixes (:
Highest in S'pore is 290.
Cool. (:
Rulang Primary School Highest: 283 (YAY)
2nd Highest: 278 (2 ppl)
3rd Highest: 276 (3 ppl)
Number of 4 A*: 20 (Same as our batch)
The results are quite good. (:
The one who scored 283 is called Katie Chan, not a prefect.
Her name is cool (:
Here's the rest of the results from different schools:
Qifa : 290 (top in Sin) Ai Tong : 280 Blangah Rise : 273 Chong Fu : 270 Clementi : 262 Greenridge : 285 Fengshan:279 Fuhua : 271 Holy Innocents' : 272 Hougang : 281 Juying : 263 Kheng Cheng: 270 Mee Toh : 256 Nan Chiau : 282 Rosyth: 287 Rulang: 283 Raffles: 286 St. Anthony's : 271 St Anthony's Canossian: 274 St Nicolas : 280 South View : 286 (2 students) Tao Nan: 281 (2nd 280, 4x 279) Yangzheng: 278All right.
That's all for today.
Gratz to all P6s whose results r up to their expectations!
みんなーさん (Hello everyone!)
I invented one Japanese-like name.
Yiitsuko. (:
I was thinking of what letters will end nice with "tsuko".
That was really random.
But oh well..
So bored at home..
So how are you guys doing?
Still watching shugo chara, i hope.
Sec 3s classes next year r out!
Oh my! And guess what?
Jazel got to 302!
Same as Pauline. (:
I want to get to 302 too (:
Supposedly, that class is pretty strong in Math and Science.
Hope I can do it.
U all too! (:
TRY GAKUEN ALICE TOO YA?P.S but focus on one anime first (:
Shugo Chara ^^
Dear friends,
Since you all finally started watching Shugo Chara (YAY!),
Let me introduce some of these characters
In case u don't know what u r watching. (haha)
The 1st batch of Guardians:
King's Chair: Hotori Tadase (5th Grader)
Queen's Chair: Nadeshiko Fujisaki (5th Grader)
Jack's Chair: Kukai Souma (6th Grader)
Ace's Chair: Yaya Yukui ( 4th Grader)
Joker: Hinamori Amu (5th Grader)
Other characters:
Tsukiyomi Ikuto (Emily's favourite) (:
Hoshina Utau - sharing a very shocking relationship with Ikuto-kun ( One of my favourites) (:
Ami - Amu's sister
2nd Batch of guardians:
King's Chair: Hotori Tadase (6th Grader)
Queen's Chair: Mashiro Rima (6th Grader)
Jack's Chair: Sanjo Kairi (4th Grader) -
Making Yaya a bit upset, because she isn't the youngest anymore. Ace's Chair: Yaya Yukui (5th Grader)
Joker: Hinamori Amu (6th Grader)
3rd Batch of guardians:
King's Chair: Hotori Tadase (6th Grader)
Queen's Chair: Mashiro Rima (6th Grader)
Jack's Chair: Nagihiko Fujisaki (6th Grader) - The true identity of _____ (Keeping u in suspense)
Ace's Chair: Yaya Yukui (5th Grader)
Joker: Hinamori Amu (6th Grader)
Now, for the Shugo charas (Guardian charas) (: (:
Amu's charas:1. Ran
2. Miki
3. Suu
4. Dia
Tadase's Chara:1. Kiseki
Nadeshiko's Chara:1. Temari
Kukai's Chara:1. Daichi
Yaya's Chara:1. Pepe
Kairi's Chara:1. Musashi
Rima's Chara:1. Kusu Kusu
Nagihiko's Chara:1. Rhythm
Ikuto's Chara:1. Yoru
Utau's Chara:1. Eru
2. Iru
Oh well.. The songs are as follows(start with the opening and ending songs):
P.S The bold ones r really worth listening. And ** means Extremely Worthwhile
1. Kokoro no tamago (1st opening)2. Minna Daisuki (2nd opening)3. Minna no tamago (3rd opening)
4. Shugo Shugo (4th opening)
5. Omakase Guardian (5th Opening)
6. School Days (6th opening)
7. Watashi no Tamago (7th Opening)
8. Honto no jibun (1st Ending)9. Renai Reida (2nd Ending)
10. Gachinko de iko (3rd Ending)
11. Rottara Rottara (4th Ending)
12. Ko-no-mi-chi (5th Ending)
13. My boy (6th Ending)
14. Take it easy (7th Ending)
15. Bravo Bravo (8th Ending)
And here are the other songs tracks sang by the main characters and guardians:
1. Meikyuu Butterfly (Hoshina Utau)
2. Happy Christmas (Hinamori Amu)3.
Ii Koto Ari Sou (Ran, Miki, Suu)
4. Blue Moon ( Hoshina Utau)5. Black Diamond (Hoshina Utau)6.
Saikyou Love Power (Amu, Ran, Miki, Suu)
7. Heartful song(Hoshina Utau) **
8. Yume no tsubomi (Hoshina Utau) **
Colorful Heartbeat Amu and Guardian)
10. Secret Princess (Yua)
11. Chiisana Hoshi ~The Little Prince~ (Tadase)
12. Itsuka wa Romansu (Rima) **
13. Ookiku Naare! (Yaya)
14. Hana Tegami (Nagihiko and Nadeshiko) **
15. Tsukiyo no Marionetto (Ikuto)
16. Taiyou ga Niau yo (Utau)
17. Secret Princess Amu Version. (Amu)Yay! That's all for today!
Haha. If u guys, don't understand anything,
Feel free to ask.
Oh ya..
Do u guys want an imeem playlist?
I can include those songs above.
Reply kays?
To end off,
Here's a picture of the 1st batch of Guardians! (:

yo guys~
you all are really fantastic bloggers. There are even more posts than my own~^^ keep up the good job kays. Super excited to see yall again tomorrow. I've had a super duper fun and exciting week (as well as tiring). >< lols. well, hmm...
CORP OUTING~^^I loved it totally. We had so much fun! With our seniors. We were duper informal. Like please, it's a super RARE opportunity to be informal with them. :D We were very happy. Although it rained, but in our hearts, the memories of the whole outing will be filled with sunshine and warmth because deep in our hearts, we know that this is a once-in-a-lifetime event. Seriously. If anyone asked me, "if i give you one more day, how would you spend it?" My answer is simple and strong. "Give me one more day of corp outing. It's more than enough..." Corp outing was really like a dream come true, almost the best day i ever had! :DDD Never been so happy about an outing before. :DD Hope there are more next time.
Had piano lesson^-^ yay! Fun.
Which is today.. there are plans with my dear NYNC'10 teammates (not exactly teammates luh) cos im not NYNC. lol. we are going to jaymi's house to train. look forward to it. Shall post about it after i come back..:DDD
How others see you, how they choose to act, does not affect you. The important thing is to keep to your own values. And srive to do your best in all that you do. And believe in yourself. You can choose to live with smiles or live with sorrows. It's your choice and it takes equal amount of effort for both. So live with SMILES^-^. Believe in yourself. You can do it. jolly(:
I am eating the cream cookies I bought from Hannah (Girl Guides) right now....Yummy...
I have no idea what I should do after this.....
You two tagged and posted.
Hola!! (Hello in Spanish)It's your Emily here :DI just came back from Bukit Batok Nature Reserve (forced by my mum, she says its for my own good). There was this Pool Plaza inside and I was quite surprised when I saw it. The scenery there was actually nice.The pool there was quit, still and clear like a mirror, you could see the reflection of trees and the reddish-brown cliff alongside the pool in it. Well, my brother and I started throwing pebbles in the pool and I loved the sound the pebble made."Plop!"There were ripples on the water surface too made by the pebbles.
The pool looked as if it was
shimmering under the sunlight.
The air was good too :P
Later, the pizza man will be delivering
pizza to my house!!!! Yay!!!!
Then at 6.00 pm which is still hours later, I will have tennis lesson with my cousins.
bEST OF ALL, next whole week is
P.S. My mum says the
important visitor next Friday coming to our school might have something to do with the
APEC meeting.
Oh, the pizza man is here!!!!Amor, Emily
sorry for not posting for the past few days? or has it been a week? i dunno. nvm, anyway.
Thanks Joanne for standing by my side on friday, when i forgot to bring my tee and had to run home and back again. bleahz~ i thought i couldnt make it. so afriad mans. But in the end, the buses came like so fast and i couldn't remeber running so fast my self too. Thats' a bit lucky, and i didn't get scolded. Woah~ thanks Lily too. for being so optimistic (when im supposed to be more optimistic than you! Im a high "I" you know...:D) thanks for cheering me up and saying the "does this matter a year from now?" haha. you sound philosophic. :DD lols. anw, jiayou for ccas. I knoe we can pull thru tgt.
jolly (the one who is trying to be happier than emily)^^

6R'08, 5R'07
Miss the people in 6R last year. (And of course 5R'07)
U too, Emily! (:
Here are some pictures to revive your memories of 6R'08 and 5R'07.
Dedicated to Emily especially. ><
Have fun.
Nothing You Can Beat.
The passion lives on...
Love, Joanne
Hey Comrades,
Post more!!
It seems like most of the posts are by me..
Yeah, post more!
All right.
Today was so cool.
NYCB <3 :D
Tmr going to play for Sec 1s and Sec 2s.
And spot me and Emily among the "scottish" people!
Today was fun.
How I wish this could last forever
and ever...
It's FOA tmr!!!
Oh my!!
So excited!
Get to wear band uniform and
It's so COOL! (:
Band will be playing Ponyo and Legend of the Ancient Hero.
They are nice songs!
So you guys will get to see us perform on Thursday then
Since you all will be going to Sentosa for that enriching family day outing trip. ;D
Enjoy yourselves, Comrades!