Annyeonghaseyo people. (:
Hehh got hint from tag from joanne about this blog so thought I should go post. haha. xD and you all should seriously go post also! the number of posts for a COMBINED blog, is er very not-a-lot. (: hahaha xD
Teacher's day today! Happy teacher's day to all teachers haha! :D hope they had a great day. and arh why is there no "no other" in the perf! O: haha but it kept being played lahh so it was greatt. haha omo it is so awesome. hehh. hm okay. JIAYOU for everything hwaiting. :D
Ryeowook rocks! :D and Kyuhyun and eunhyuk. haha :D then yesung and sungmin. (: I dono how to place their positions cause everyone is super nice lol. xD and talented ttm haha. jiayou people. (: SUPER JUNIOR. (: FOREVER THE LOVE.
kpop night: 23rd october 2010.
Super Show: 29 January 2011.
haha I really want to go but I don't think I will. :/ heh. (:
Chun Min(:
wahaha! why you all never post arhh. you know our combined blog's number of post is only one more than my one? xP hahah. :D shows the lagg in posting TSK. heh must post moreeeee^^ and haha xP the blogskin arhhh. hehhh. and lol thanks chin chin for making the posts seen again. but oh well. chin arh, you should like go change it when you can haha. or joanne! and em! muahaha. (:
SUJU SUJU SUJU~~<3 MUAHAHA. RYEOWOOK! hahaha. their songs seriously rockkk~! <3 hehhhh nicer than AHEM...(: hehhh. hahahaha! :D okay er nothing else to say. JIAYOU for eoys and other things like your cca! :D hahaha.
and continue crazying over KPOP. wahahaha~! hwaiting people~! <3 jiayou! ryeowook! :D
(and yoona and taeyeon)
sorry ar... the blogskin is not v.nice. for the sake of seeing the posts, let;s bear with it!:D
ehh just picked a simple template first! next time i will come back and change it cos i havent done my hsitory assignment! though i feel guilty and even more guilty that i am the sub rep who is supposed to do, i still havent done the assignment yet! LOL. and i bu xiang zuo.
hohoho~ first time posting here! hellos(:
jiayou for everything ahead and good luck!
i am off on my mission to fix this blog..
ehh like ryeowook luh(: his singing quite nice. eh k guy plus yesung also not bad. heh.
Happy Chinese New Year

Let's revive the blog with Happy Chinese New Year!
Oh yeah.
Happy Valentines (:
^Way back into love :D
Okay. Concert band seriously rocks nowadays.
Trombone <3>
(Rie, Theodora, Wanting, Michelle, Clarissa, Joei, Yu Xin and Chin Shian)
Jiayou everyone (:
The passion lives on.